Big Data Alerts is a dedicated news website focuses on the latest Machine Learning, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence topics. We value credibility over all the materials published on the site. Hence, to achieve accountability on all information released, we provide this Author’s Page for communication or clarification on the contents posted by our contributors.

Stanford Shewmaker received his degree in BSc in Mathematics from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. He had worked with various media outlets both online and on paper. His expertise is in Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. He is writing for various technical papers, news and articles in the Artificial Intelligence field. As a full-time contributor to Big Data alerts, he aims to discuss more in-depth developments to serve the future entrepreneurs.
Address: Street 812 Mesa Vista Drive, Lytton, British Columbia
Zip Code: V0K 1Z0
Phone Number: 250-455-9475

Lamar Savage received holds degree in Science from Alberta and his interest is in Computer Science. He has been a professional consultant and journalist for over six years. Lamar writes on a variety of Science and Big Data topics.
Address: 992 Street Marys Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Zip Code: R3B 3K6
Phone Number: 204-996-0828

Elissa Swarts as professional journalist working on many technologies such as Big Data Engineering, Blockchain and advance data security. He received Engineering Degree from University of Alberta, Canada. Currently, he is writing on the latest topics and news on the Blockchain technologies. He has 6 years experience in writing for various media agency and online portals.
Address: Street 2596 Tycos Dr, Toronto, Ontario
Zip Code: M5T 1T4
Phone Number: 416-605-6122

Joe Bennett has dual degree program in Journalism and Computer Science with more than 6 years of experience in writing technical journalism. His interest is in computer science related to journalism, conducting research, interviewing people and working with industry leader in Big Data field. He loves to write technical papers, news and reports for media industry.
Address: 2620 Nelson Street, Big Trout Lake, Ontario
Zip Code: P0V 1G0
Phone Number: 807-537-2368

David Norton is well experienced Science News writer having years of experience in covering Science, Technologies and Big Data news. He has degree in Science with the experience in Machine learning and Big Data technologies.
Address: 8-119 Guelph Street, Guelph, Ontario
Zip Code: N1H 5Z2
Phone Number: 519-265-3822

Manuel Stouffer completed Bachelor’s in Computing Science from University of Alberta, Canada before joining technical journalism. He has 4 years of experience in writing in Computer Science and Technical Journalism. His area of interest is Computer Science, Machine Learning, Quatam computing and large scale data processing. He loves to do research, talk to industry experts, conduct interviews and produce quality news.
Address: 3859 Cork St, Guelph, Ontario
Zip Code: N1H 2W8
Phone Number: 519-823-9338