Artificial Intelligence

Intel created AI enabled anti-poaching camera to help find poachers in real-time

Intel came out with the artificial intelligence enabled camera which works as anti-poaching camera and helps authorities in finding poachers in real-time. This system is fitted with Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to detect poaching and it also combines human decisions to more accurately predict.

The combined solution is designed to detect poachers approaching wildlife reserves and alert authorities to save life of endangered animals inside wildlife reserves. According to the company their solution will be integrated with the TrailGuard AI cameras which are well capable for object detection with image classification.

This system is well capable of detecting objects, classify images like vehicles or any other objects and then alert guards if the object is related to the poaching.

The non-profit organisation Resolve will distribute this camera around wildlife reserves. This solution has been built in partnership with the National Geographic Society and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

The Resolve will deploy these cameras in early 2019 in African wildlife reserves and throughout south-east Asia.

This is a pencil size device with a life-long battery which can last up to a year without need of recharging. The long battery life makes it best solution for long term deployment solution without a need of regular maintenance.

Camera is AI enabled and it uses a neural network model developed by Intel for this purpose. This camera can detect poachers more accurately by filtering out other movement in front of camera.

The TrailGuard AI camera uses Intel Movidius Vision Processing Units (VPUs) which is well designed for image processing. This uses the deep neural network algorithms for detecting the objects and then classifies the images taken from camera. If  it detects human movement then it alerts park authorities to take protective steps to save life of wildlife animals. This helps authorities in effectively finding poachers and captures them.

Joe Bennett
Joe Bennett
Joe Bennett has dual degree program in Journalism and Computer Science with more than 6 years of experience in writing technical journalism. His interest is in computer science related to journalism, conducting research, interviewing people and working with industry leader in Big Data field. He loves to write technical papers, news and reports for media industry.
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