Artificial Intelligence

Swiggy Acqui-Hires AI Startup to strengthen its AI team

Swiggy, the online food ordering and delivery service acquires and hires, a Bengaluru based AI Startup which works in AI Technologies to detect objects from video.

Yesterday on Monday (4 February) Swiggy announced to Acqui-Hire, which is AI startup based in Banglore, India. There is no information about the amount of Aqui-hire deal.

The is AI startup which is using latest cutting edge deep learning and computer vision technologies to detect object in the video by processing it through pre-trained deep learning model. These technologies will assist Swiggy in using Artificial Intelligence technologies for better customer experience.

As per the company statement, founders to, Pavithra Solai Jawahar and Jagannathan Veeraraghavan will also join Swiggy AI team. According to the Swiggy statement this Aqui-hire process will help company in solving unique customer problem with the help of AI technologies.

This acquisition will help Swiggy to make better solution using computer vision and Artificial Intelligence technologies. was founded in 2014 to develop AI solutions, currently company developed AI solution for object detection in video which can be used for digital journalism and amateur sports sports broadcasting. Detailed information about solutions developed by is not available.

The acqui-hire is the first technology acquisition by Swiggy and this is going to be larger investment for building AI-Enabled platform for better customer satisfaction.

Manuel Stouffer
Manuel Stouffer
Manuel Stouffer completed Bachelor’s in Computing Science from University of Alberta, Canada before joining technical journalism. He has 4 years of experience in writing in Computer Science and Technical Journalism. His area of interest is Computer Science, Machine Learning, Quatam computing and large scale data processing. He loves to do research, talk to industry experts, conduct interviews and produce quality news.
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